Do you love English?
And what about art?
Do you like beauty and its reflection
in paintings, photography and design?
Then let’s talk about it with like-minded people while practising English
in English Art Club – “Anglicky o umění”
Why Anglicky o umění?
English isn’t my only passion, I also love words and art. The lockdown made me realise that I would like to share this passion with others. That’s why I decided to find like-minded art lovers and create a club where we could meet regularly and discuss art together.
The first two discussions last year were very engaging and the feedback was really positive. The second discussion with more participants proved that the ideal number of participants is 8-10 as there is just enough space to share our thoughts and inspire each other. Based on the feedback I also decided that 2 hours seems as just the perfect length.
Anyway, it was about time to organise more meetings. So here are the dates and the topics:
English Art Club – autumn 22
Saturday evening 19:00-21:00 |
17th September – What is art? (Intro discussion) /a free opening session – come and taste the atmosphere/ |
22nd October – On the Verge of Dreams (Surrealism) /for 8-10 people – 150 Kč per person/ |
26th November – Tradition or “Breaking Free” (Old masters vs. modern art) /for 8-10 people – 150 Kč per person/ |

How to register?
It’s easy, just visit my profile on Reservio and book your „place“ in the discussion.
For updates follow:
- Instagram Anglicky o umění
- FB group English Art Club – Anglicky o umění
I’d like to thank you again for organizing the event – it was truly refreshing for the reasons I mentioned at the end of the session. As an English tutor, I always welcome any opportunity to speak English with people other than my students and I don’t get to speak to my American friends as often as I’d like to. And since I am an art lover, the topic was absolutely perfect. It’s simply the kind of project I would do myself if I had the time and energy 🙂 /Martina Malášková/
Konverzační hodiny Anglicky o umění můžu všem vřele doporučit. Dany je skvělá lektorka. Hodiny má vždy pečlivě připravené a je na nich příjemná atmosféra. Dany se stará, aby se všichni dostali ke slovu. Když se stane, že si někdo neví rady, ráda pomůže a navede správným směrem. Z hodin jsem odcházela nadšená a nabitá energií. Diskuze vždy byla velmi podnětná a myslím, že si ji všichni účastníci vskutku užívali. Žádné hlubokosáhlé znalosti z oblasti umění nejsou třeba. Na to své si na těchto konverzačních lekcích přijde opravdu každý. /Vendy/