To me this project is not only about creating posts somebody will read and eventually forget. That’s why I would like to meet and connect with you. On the other hand, since you follow me, you probably like English and might need to practise. So I thought we could start an online English Speaking Club, to discuss various topics while meeting new people.

/Tento projekt pro mě není jen o vytváření příspěvků, které si někdo přečte a časem zapomene. Proto bych se s vámi chtěla začít potkávat. Na druhou stranu vy, s ohledem na to, že mě sledujete, máte pravděpodobně rádi angličtinu a nejspíš si ji potřebujete procvičovat. Tak jsem přemýšlela, že bychom mohli začít diskuzní klub, kde se budeme bavit o nejrůznějších tématech a seznamovat se s novými lidmi./ 

What do you need to join us?

  • Be able to communicate in English
  • Have the will to meet new people and discuss your opinions with them openly

Some practical information:

  • The discussions will be happening online via Zoom every two weeks on Monday 18:15-19:45
  • Each discussion is for max 6 partictipants
  • The price is 250 CZK for 90 minutes
  • /If less than 4 people decide to come, the discussion will be shortened to 60 minutes/
  • To register visit my profile on Reservio

English Speaking Club topics – autumn 22

26th September
Benefits of speaking a foreign language
10th October
Motivation. Why does it matter?
24th October
How to learn effectively? Is it even possible?
2nd November
WED exception!
Work-life balance. Easier said than done?
21st November
Working remotely. A blessing or a nightmare?
5th December
Why do we celebrate Christmas? The importance of Christmas traditions. 


Lektorka celou dobu pořád nepovídala a ptala se na různé otázky např. „Kvůli čemu se učíme jazyky?“ Takhle mě zapojila do diskuze. Po veškerý čas jsme hovořili v angličtině. Taky dala do prezentace zajímavé fakta o jazycích. Bylo to strašně fajn. (Daniela)

/The teacher didn’t talk all the time, she kept asking various questions for example: ”Why do we learn foreign languages?” This way she actively involved me in the discussion. The whole time we were talking in English. She included interesting facts about languages into the presentation. It was really nice. (Daniela)/